this is another fun learning exercise but this time focused more on physics simulation more than anything, an area where I have not touch since forever. the artstyle was a bit different from what I had originally planned, It was originally going to be realistic, but when I start to render, I see now that its not possible with my time frame, and it would take months for it to be done. so I chose the 3D 2D Hybrid painting artstyle, a technique to achieve the look that you see below is to have it render at low sample, I chose 1080P, but keep it noisy so the AI can denoise and smooth it out gives it a more painting look,and finally post processed using a film grain filter.
the scene was animated entirely procedurally using modifiers in Blender . Rain were driven by particle simulation with each raindrop is mimicked by a blob of raindrop geometry.
Each rain streaks were mimicked using motion blur.
assets are from the Quixel Bridge 3D Scan Library